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Arbeit aus Liebe? Die fotografischen Beiträge des DDR-Erziehungsratgebers Entwicklungswunder Mensch

Annekathrin Müller

Online veröffentlicht:

15 Nov 2024



This essay examines the photographic contributions to Entwicklungswunder Mensch, a book published in 1980 in the German Democratic Republic, edited by photographer Evelyn Richter together with text author Hans-Dieter Schmidt. The publication was meant to address everybody interested in raising children and understanding their psychological development. Examining its representation of care work, this essay shows that the book’s authors tried to convey the image of a loving approach to the child while insisting on the priorization of children’s needs. This demand is put in the context of the sociopolitical background of the late GDR, and it becomes clear that the book set out as a counter proposal to the status of care work in socialist East Germany.

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Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Hefte

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Volume 79 (2016)

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