Am Abgrund der Bilder | Michael Müller

04/23 – 09/03/2023
St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin

Am Abgrund der Bilder | Michael Müller


Can the horror of the Holocaust be shown? The artist Michael Müller examines Gerhard Richter’s cycle “Birkenau” with the means of painting, uncovering its painterly layers and posing fundamental questions about the artistic representability of singular events.

The exhibition thematically focuses on the forced labor of the so-called “Sonderkommando”, a work commando of selected Jewish prisoners who had to prepare and follow up the extermination of their fellow human beings under the supervision and constant threat of death of the SS from 1942 to 1944/45.

St. Matthäus-Kirche
10785 Berlin

More information about the exhibition.

All information about the book.

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