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From Acetate to Bitmap: The Digitalization of the „Stern“ Photographic Archive at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich

Regina Retter and Carmella Passero Schürmann

From the Journal: Rundbrief Fotografie

Published online:

19 Mar 2024



The analogue photographic archive of the German weekly „Stern“ is one of the largest collections of press photos in Germany. It comprises some 15 million images, some three million of which are currently being digitalized. The project was put out to tender all over Europe and is now in the hands of three service providers and an inhouse team using BSB’s own funds. This article describes the challenges of digitalization on such a massive scale, and what the project entails. Starting from the physical material, the most important basic decisions are outlined, the internal workflows are described as well as the most important findings from the first half of the project.

Other articles in this issue:

Rundbrief Fotografie Issues

Volume 31 (2024)
Volume 30 (2023)
Volume 29 (2022)

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