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Alltag im Hoesch-Bungalow

Isolde Parussel

From the Journal: architectura

Published online:

05 Aug 2023



In the 1950s the Dortmund-based steel manufacturer Hoesch developed a process of coating strip steel with synthetic material naming the product Platal. One idea of selling Platal was using it for serially prefabricated bungalows. In the spring of 1964, the first prefabricated steel bungalows could be delivered. But instead of selling 1.000 houses per year as planned, the estimation is that until the end of production in 1966 only 150 to 200 unities had been produced in various sizes. Seven of those steel bungalows were erected by Hoesch in Hombruch, a southern suburb of Dortmund, and were rented out to senior executives of Hoesch.

Other articles in this issue:

architectura Issues

Volume 51 (2021)
Volume 50 (2020)
Volume 49 (2019)
Volume 48 (2018)
Volume 47 (2017)
Volume 46 (2016)
Volume 45 (2015)

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