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Verdrängte Orte und einverleibte Bilder Die Antropofagia-Bewegung im Spiegel transregionaler Bilderwanderungen

Lena Bader

Published online:

01 Jul 2018



This article proposes to consider the Brazilian art movement Antropofagia in the context of transcultural global modernism. Strongly connected to Paris during the 1920s and 1930s, the modernist movement that came to define Brazilian art was situated among clichéd colonial exhibitions and international artistic movements. With its striking background, the movement proves to be a very interesting contrast to Warburg’s Mnemosyne-Atlas. While both projects – from an emancipatory perspective – were formed as a ‘community of memory’, their different contexts of genesis did not make them equally susceptible to transregional experiences.

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Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Issues

Volume 87 (2024)
Volume 86 (2023)
Volume 85 (2022)
Volume 84 (2021)
Volume 83 (2020)
Volume 82 (2019)
Volume 81 (2018)
Volume 80 (2017)
Volume 79 (2016)

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