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Giulio Romano und Andrea Palladio Die Landshuter Residenz Herzog Ludwigs X. und ihre Rezeption in den frühen Palastkonzepten Palladios

Klaus Endemann

Published online:

01 Apr 2017



The palace of Duke Ludwig X in Landshut provides insight into the research concerning the development of Andrea Palladio. The palace is a link that illuminates the relationship between Palladio and Giulio Romano. For the “German wing,” the still unknown architect presented a remarkably innovative design. The duke had a second palace built behind the first after he had seen the Palazzo Te. The form of the “Italian wing,” with its refined combination of palace and villa, supports the authorship of Romano. That Palladio, for his famous project for Iseppo da Porto, took over the site in Landshut designed by Romano confirms the close relationship between the two architects. In I Quattro Libri, Palladio would later name the combination of the palace and the villa Casa degli antichi.

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