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Bruno Taut and the Changed Conception of Modernism on the Eve of World War II

Bernd Nicolai

From the Journal: Architectura

Published online:

11 Jul 2019



Bruno Taut’s History, Language and Geography Faculty Building at Ankara University has received little attention in architectural history. As the work of an émigré architect, expelled from Germany in 1933, it is not only a product of Taut’s broader horizons through his experiences as an exile in Japan and Turkey, but also as a result of his confrontation with the modernization process under Atatürk’s new republic. Beyond this, Taut’s Faculty building issues a statement on the state of modern architecture in the late 1930s, where this type of public building was newly discussed in relation to different aspects of national representation, oscillating between dictatorship and democracy. This article explores the various facets that create this outstanding, unconventional and inventive building, as Taut’s major and enduring project during his later years, at the edge of classical modernism.

Other articles in this issue:

architectura Issues

Volume 51 (2021)
Volume 50 (2020)
Volume 49 (2019)
Volume 48 (2018)
Volume 47 (2017)
Volume 46 (2016)
Volume 45 (2015)

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